Saturday, January 24, 2009

Adventures on a glorious 39-degree day

I'm really missing California weather...having to wear a million layers of clothing all the time is really getting old.

Yesterday I woke up unnecessarily early to go to the Newseum with my program. It turned out to be really, really cool. We watched a "4-D" movie (who knew?) and then ventured up to the top floor. They had this whole exhibit about 9/11 and a movie about the journalists that covered it, which obviously made me cry. It was also really weird seeing all these kids at the exhibit and realizing that they hadn't been alive for 9/11 and so they didn't know how much things had changed because of it. It's weird that we're only 20, but already I feel like an old grandma being like "kids these days..." So after the movie I was like "let's go see something more uplifting." After walking through the exhibit on presidential dogs, which was completely inappropriate to follow the 9/11 exhibit, we found a big screen which was replaying Obama's inauguration speech. So I cried some more. And then in the next room they had all these newspapers from the 1400s until now with all the major headlines. By this point I was so emotional that I would cry at anything, so I basically just cried at every headline of anythingremotely sad/important/moving. And then the pulizter prize winning photos. Cried more, obvi.

So after an emotionally draining morning, I went to my internship. We were making this database of contacts, which I had been working on for a few days, so I felt like I knew what I was doing and thought I was doing a good job. BUT, no one told me that we had to have it done by 3:30, so I wasn't prepared to send my part when they wanted me too. Also, it was just really stressful and I felt like everyone thought I was retarded. But whatever, my direct supervisor definitely likes me, so that's good.

I was so tired after work yesterday that I proceeded to go to bed at 12 and sleep for 11.5 hours. Awesome.

Today I went to Georgetown for the first time (unless you count the time when I got lost looking for Trader Joe's.) It was really nice, and I got a suit from J Crew for $140. So I was really pleased with myself. Dan and I also discovered a crepe place which was really good. There are so many nice restaurants in Georgetown...what a horrible time not to have a job. I think I'm going to try and either get a job or find something to do on Craiglist because my $500 is definitely not going to last me the rest of the semester. Especially because going to bars all the time is really expensive!

Tonight we are planning on scouting out a hookah place and doing a little exploring.

P.S. I saw 2 people wearing flip-flops today.

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